Roberta Fidalgo

As you know, I recently purchased a 1994 Mazda 626 Cronos with the assistance of your company. I would like to thank you for making the somewhat unbearable and lengthy task of purchasing a used car, quite the enlightening experience annual calendar. It was a pleasure dealing with someone who not only listened to my needs, but acted upon them immediately. With your experience and knowledge in the automobile industry, the search for my ideal car (reliable, economical and safe) was quickly expedited Download amazon prime movies for free. Not only did i drive away with new car in a matter of days, your recommendation and support during price negotiations with the vendor resulted in my paying less than what i was prepared to pay herunterladen. Your professional attitude, sensitivity to your client’s needs and responsiveness are recognized as being critical success factors in your business vcruntime140.dll download kostenlos. Thanks again for enthusiastically, effectively and efficiently assisting me in achieving my short term goal. I will not hesitate to recommend your company to any of my friends or co-workers herunterladen. Sincerely, Roberta...
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Easy Riding: How to save time and money on your next used car purchase

For most people, buying a used car is often a very painful and frustrating experience. Much of this suffering can be avoided, however, with a little knowledge and advance preparation. After many years of finding used cars for other people, I have learned a few things that can make the process much easier – and almost, I dare say, fun.   STEP 1: PROCESS OF ELIMINATION One of the most important steps in buying a used car is determining the type of car to buy. This may seem obvious, but you would be amazed at the number of people that end up buying the first car that comes their way. It is important to ask three very basic questions:   1. What do I need? As much as you may WANT a sporty convertible, practical is usually the best route to take. Here you should consider things like size, warranty, resale, required options, and how long you plan on keeping the car zoon. Tip: Most import cars have a 5-year warranty from the original date of purchase that is transferable to the new owner.   2. What can I afford? If money is no object then you can disregard everything in number 1 and for that matter stop reading right now – this article is not for you! For the rest of us that have a budget – look closely at it. How much money do you have on hand (if any?) as a down payment? Do you want to lease or finance? How much can you afford per month? You should also get pre-approved for a car loan from your friendly local banker. Tip: Most banks’ car loan interest rate is negotiable within reason – 1% or 2% on a loan this size is significant!   3. What reliable models should I consider? Now that you have a basic idea of what you need, it’s time for the tough part – RESEARCH faded herunterladen. There, I said it – I know it’s an ugly word but it’s important. There is a wealth of information available now. The Internet may be good depending on how comfortable you are with it. Other publications like Lemon-Aid and Consumer Reports are easy to understand and readily available at the local library or bookstore. Tip: Avoid personal opinions – chances are friends or relatives have biases based on limited experience. Let the experts...
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Auto Broker walks the walk, talks the talk for you

For people who find car shopping unnerving, there is an alternative: you can send a professional buyer into the showroom to wrangle a deal on your behalf while you relax at home. Auto buying by proxy offers savings in time, shoe leather, anxiety and, possibly, money. Independent brokers will find you the best deal on the vehicle you want in return for a fee herunterladen. Like real estate agents, they shop the market with your needs in mind and are not tied to a maker. A broker is the intermediary between the auto dealer and the consumer. A good one will complete the paperwork, deliver the vehicle to the buyer’s home or office and explain its features. Such services mushroomed in the affluent ’80s amazon prime video gekaufte filme downloaden. But Mohamed Bouchama, executive director of Car Help Canada (, a consumer advocacy group, suggests that the need for a broker has diminished in recent years. “Competition is fierce in the car business now,” he notes. “Dealers are discounting $1,000 to $1,500 right off the top.” He believes that most consumers can negotiate a car deal just as well on their own and warns that the unregulated broker industry has attracted some unscrupulous operators flixbus simulator download for free. Some collect a fee, then disappear. Others double-dip: collecting a fee from both the client and the dealer. “I’ve always said that anyone who doesn’t have anything better to do gets involved in the car business,” says Bouchama. Automotive adviser and broker Mark Derry stresses that his job involves a lot more than negotiating a low price. “I learned really quickly that people hate car salesmen,” says the Mississauga native who now lives in Bloor West Village herunterladen. He used to sell cars at a Mazda dealership in Rexdale, but today runs CarSense, an auto broker service ( During his five years as a sales rep, Derry, 33, observed all kinds of consumers. While some researched their decision with care, many others seemed to buy on a whim. “I met a lot of people who were lost. People often spend more time shopping for a pair of pants than they do for a $20,000 or $40,000 vehicle.” Because automotive brokers eat, drink and breathe cars, he contends that they’re better equipped to find the vehicle that fits the client’s needs rollercoaster herunterladen. It’s not that a consumer couldn’t replicate the...
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Car broker does the dirty work

If buying or leasing a car makes you feel like you have been taken to the cleaners, you might want to try getting your next car through a broker. Mississauga car broker Mark Derry owns Mark Derry’s CarSense google books download mac. On behalf of his clients, he helps choose the type of vehicle, negotiates the price and delivers it to your door. Derry has been brokering cars full-time since December of 1997 but he has been in car sales, on and off, since 1991 alle apps kostenlos herunterladen. He was successful, but got tired working so hard to get past customers’ distrust. A 2003 Leger Marketing poll showed only 16 per cent of people in Ontario trusted car salesmen radio tatort for free. After working for Bell Mobility for two years, he put together a business plan that would let him sell cars on his own terms and CarSense was born engel und teufel kostenlos downloaden. “I found it frustrating to only be able to sell one kind of car when I knew that a different make and model had a better deal” said Derry. “The process was counter-intuitive download zdf mediathek. I had to get the most money from the client because that was how I made money. Now, with CarSense, I get to go against the dealers to get the best deal for my client.” Because he charges set fees, the only way negotiating a lower price affects his bottom line is by getting him more referrals chrome nur herunterladen. Derry estimates that, once consumers decide on the make and model, they spend about 20 hours in four dealerships negotiating for the best deal krita kostenlos downloaden. “It’s an exhausting process,” said Derry, and at the end of the day, most consumers feel they have been ripped off.” Because there are so many dealerships competing against each other, Derry can broker a deal with dealership fleet managers that can beat the best price on the sales floor by up to $9,000 update manuell herunterladen windows. Fleet managers deal with him because of the volume of business he brings them and the fact that he does the work. It is an easy sale and keeps their numbers high herunterladen. For Derry’s client, it means a better price and Derry does the paper work and the negotiating – all of the dirty work. Mark Horodezny of Mississauga figures...
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Internet, rising loonie transformed used-car market

Unless you have an affection for polyester suits, tinsel streamers and mouldy office trailers, you’re probably not missing the 1980s very much. Back then, searching for a used car often meant kicking tires on small lots up and down Danforth Ave. and other Toronto thoroughfares that had been overrun by motley clusters of used-car dealers hawking their wares with grease pencils and sagging balloons. Nothing says fly-by-night quite like a sales office on wheels. “We’ve come a long, long way from the Danforth, which was the street that typified the business then,” says Bob Pierce, director of member services for the Used Car Dealers Association of Ontario (UCDA) herunterladen. While small, independent used-car lots may be hanging on, the used-vehicle business has changed dramatically over the past 25 years — and much of it for the better. LONGER-LASTING VEHICLES Automobiles are lasting much longer today, a benefit every one of our industry observers mentioned right off the top. A used vehicle can have a lengthy second life and a third one, too. “Cars have improved dramatically both in terms of corrosion resistance and mechanically,” says George Iny, president of the Automobile Protection Association download adobe acrobat for free. “Today, a five-year-old used car can offer many years of good service and can easily make it to 12 years and 250,000 kilometres. In the early 1980s, it was likely ready for the scrap heap at 160,000 kilometres, mainly due to corrosion.” BETTER DISCLOSURE Mohamed Bouchama, of and host of CP24’s Auto Shop, says dealers today largely sell decent vehicles because the disclosure rules have shone a bright light on the bad practices of the past. “It was a jungle back then. Dealers used to sell junk and there was no protection for the consumer,” Bouchama maintains. He rhymes off a litany of complaints of the time: rolled-back odometers, undeclared vehicle writeoffs, cross-province trade of wrecks, and the usual deceitful tactics, such as plugging leaky radiators with temporary sealant. “There’s far better consumer protection today with disclosure,” Pierce agrees. “Some 75 per cent of cars at the wholesale auctions come with histories.” IMPROVED REGULATION Pierce cites the formation of the self-regulating Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC) in 1997 as a key step in the development of a more ethical and transparent dealer industry download google translator agree. It overhauled the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, which came into effect in...
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